Alison Gardiner

I’m a self taught local artist and amateur musician working mainly in watercolour and pen/pencil.

Originally from Hertfordshire, I’ve lived and worked in London for many years, until recently as an NHS Specialist Podiatrist for Homeless and Vulnerable People in Central London.

Whilst working from home during lockdown, I found that my drawing connected me with many groups of people who were bringing the community together in unusual and innovate-ways, particularly volunteers (foodbank, eco-campaigners and wildlife conservation) and also the local musicians and performers (from bluegrass to improvisational jazz, early music, klezmer and performance poetry) who were appearing outdoors in front gardens and parks. Keen to draw attention to causes and groups of interest to me, I am continuing to develop this aspect of my work and also draw regularly with London Urban Sketchers, Crouch End Sketchers, Southbank Portrait Group, and various local life drawing groups.

I prefer to draw live rather than from photos, often in quite challenging conditions! (Snow, rain, standing in a crowd and at night!) This year was my third as ‘sketcher in residence’ with the incredible Islington Festival of Music and Art. I also draw regularly at concerts held by Salon Music. and volunteer as an arts facilitator with Crisis at Christmas. I have taken part in various group exhibitions and this year held my first solo exhibition at Gallery 121, After Noah, Islington.

Hope you enjoy my work as much as I have enjoyed making it! As that’s what it’s all about…..


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